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Click below for great articles from previous issues of Fishermen’s Voice:


August 1998

 "Give Swordfishermen a Break" & "What's a Red Herring?"

October 1998

 "For Cod's Sake!"
January 1999  "Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
March 1999  "Rum on the Rocks"
June 1999  "Dory Story" & "Working for the Man"
July 1999  "Schooner Racing"
August 1999  "Haggling Over Herring"
November 1999  "Corporate Shrimp?" & "Blimp Sinks in U-Boat Hunt"
December 1999  "A Matter of Scale" & "Ancocisco Bay Islands"
January 2000  "Scallop Stocks Down - Scallop Options Up"
February 2000  "Little Fish, Big Future - Ralph Stanley - Wooden Boats"
March 2000  "Dazed At Sea & Droghers, Limers, and Packets"
May 2000  "Mack Point Pollution - Kennebec Ice"
July 2000  "Kittery Naval Shipyard - Droghers, Managing Mussels"
August 2000  "Herring - Swans Island"
September 2000  "ITQ's - Monhegan Island"
January 2001  "Too Little - Sharp Boats"
February 2001  "Signs of the Times - Machias Men"
March 2001  "Lobster or Egg - Bigger Boat"
April 2001  "Walking the plank"
June 2001  "A Recipe For Disaster" & "The Mysterious Short Life of the Traveler III"
September 2001  "Pirates on the Prowl"
October 2001  "Tale of Two Comissions"
November 2001  "Survey Trawl Runs into Snag"
December 2001  "Compromising the Catch"
January 2004  "Herring in a Pickle & Got Salt?"
February 2004  "Will Fairwinds Blow Foul?" & "Blimp Sinks in U-Boat Hunt!!"
March 2004  "Problems and Promises" & "Witch Indians Pray"
April 2004  "Urchins: Too Little Too Late?" & "Made in Maine"
May 2004  "The Politics of Shrimp" & "Hard Knocks"
June 2004  "Goundfishermen Scramble" & "Bruce A. Farrin & Sons"
July 2004  "Amendment 13 Hit From All Sides" & "A Century of Boats"
August 2004  "The Politics of Tuna" & "You Have To Love This work"
September 2004  "Bycatch Blues" & "Stone Age Pickup"
October 2004  "Tuna Barons" & "N By NW"
November 2004  "A Risky Buisness: Safety On The High Seas" &  "The Great Submarine Rescue In History"
December 2004 "Rough Seas For LNG" & "Farmer Johnson's Cornfield"
January 2005  "The Hidden Cost Of Oil" & "No Place For A Woman"
February 2005  "Untangling The Tsunami" & "Ancocisco Bay Islands"
March 2005  "Lobstering In Margaritaville" & "Down Easters"
April 2005  "Where Have All The Herring Gone?" & "Confederate Ghost Ship"
May 2005  "Sinking Groundline Sunk At NMFS Meeting?" &  "Sharks: Basking Or Loan"
June 2005  "One Fish — Two Fisheries" & "Bounty — The Power Of Cod"
July 2005  "Manifest Destiny" & "‘Tis The Season"
August 2005  "Sabotaging Science" & "Rum On The Rocks"
September 2005  "Fishing For Oil" & "Mooning Norumbega"
October 2005  "Hurricanes’ Net Loss" & "Life Along The Kennebec"
November 2005 "Linchpin Being Lynched?" & "Maine Maritime Academy"
December 2005 "Lobster: Good News, Bad News" & "Split Bamboo"
January 2006  "Plan Seeks To Reverse Gulf Of Maine Salmmon Decline" & "One Man's Meat"
February 2006  "Council Boosts Herring Busts Groundfish" & "Bill Crowe: Gone Fishing"
March 2006  "Monhegan Study" & "Bernard Raynes-Fisherman"
April 2006  "Magnuson Magnified" & "Opium Clippers"
May 2006  "Lobstermen's Town Meeting" & "Master Of The Harbor"
June 2006  "Round Table On Groundfish" & "Sit On The Gear"
July 2006  "Political Disasters" & "Resurrection At Jonesport"
August 2006  "Driving Backwards?" & "Right Time, Right Place"
September 2006  "Bluefin Tuna's Future?" & "Where Once Great Ships"
October 2006 "Coalition Strained At Council" & "The Forgotten Hospital Ship Maine"
November 2006  "Lockdown In Framework 42" & "The Yankee Gale of '51"
December 2006  "Mandatory Landings Reports-The Final Debate" & " Rapture Of The Deep"
January 2007  "ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Meeting 2006" & " Granite"
February 2007  "Reporting Voted In" & "New Zealander Earns Way Into Island Life"
March 2007 "Bottom Up Management, Old Concept" & "Monhegan Trap Day"
April 2007  "Future of Dinosaurs" & "Great Idea Thrown Overboard" and more.....
May 2007  "As Magnuson Unfolds - LAPP's and Local Control?" & "Sea Bird Bait" and more.....
June 2007  "Fix-up For A Frig-up" & "Japanese Fishing Cooperative Associations: An Ancient Form of CBFM"
July 2007  "Area Management Stalled" & "Props"
August 2007  "Lobster Nation" & "Earnest Libby, Jr.: See Other Side"
September 2007  "Rope Burn" & "Feds Indict MLA"
October 2007  "MLA Makes Its Case" & "Glenn Holland And The Red Baron"
November 2007  "Gloves Come Off Over Groundfish" & "Ghosts Kidd Barney"
December 2007  "Bluefin Tuna Slaughter" & "The King’s Broad Arrow – Pine and Tea"
January 2008  "LOBSTER: Now and When" & "The King’s Broad Arrow – Pine and Revolution"
February 2008  "Sectors: From The Trenches" & "Otis Enterprises Marine—Fiberglass is Forever"
March 2008 "West Africa — Who's Next?" & "Boatbuilders Downeast"
April 2008 "Alewife Habitat Vote Draws Crowd" & "Got Salt?"
May 2008 "Sectors Bumped To 2010" & "Moody's Tower"
June 2008 "Founding FIsh" & "Gundalow - The Work Horse of the Rivers"
July 2008 "Groundfish Plunges" & "Last of the Bankers"
August 2008 "Survey Favors Trap Cut" & "Passamaquoddy Power Play"
September 2008 "Race Season Ends, Regs Season Begins" & Hard Knocks"
October 2008 "Groundfish Bottoms Out" & "The Invasion of Belfast - Part I"
November 2008 "Lobster Market Crash" & "Invasion of Belfast - Part II"
December 2008 "Banks Urge Loan Talks" & "New Boat, No Payments"
January 2009 "Tuna Hardball" & "Stone Age Pickup"
February 2009  "Herring Fishermen Seek Flexibility" & "Historic Maine, A Treasure Hunter’s Paradise"
March 2009  "LAPPs & Quotas Draw Fire" & "Need a Bigger Boat?"

April 2009

 "Shell Game" & "Maine Steamers"

May 2009  "Herring Trawlers Scrutinized for Groundfish Bycatch" & "Thar She Blows"
June 2009 "Alewives And Harvesters See Strength In Numbers" & "Free Lunch"
July 2009 "New Ground, Or The Abyss?" & "Historic Castine Part 1. Early History"
August 2009 "Lobster Prices Try Industry" & "Historic Castine Part 2. The Revolution and Beyond"
September 2009 "The People's Fish" & "Rolling Stones, Wampanoags, and Stripers Part I: A conversation with Buddy Vanderhoop"
October 2009 "Maine on Leading Edge of Offshore Wind Energy" & "Rolling Stones, Wampanoags, and Stripers Part II: A conversation with Buddy Vanderhoop"
November 2009 "Herring Hits the Wall" & "The Legend of the Witch's Leg"
December 2009 "Catch Shares or Share-Croppers" & "Percy's Heirs"
January 2010 "Bluefin Tuna Get A Break" & "Feds Indict MLA"
February 2010 "Shrimpers Go Topless" & "Ice-Fishing for Pickerel, Easy and Productive"
March 2010 "Costs of Catch Shares" & "Widow's Walks?"
April 2010 "11th Hour Rally For Groundfish" & "Tons of Rope"
May 2010 "Shrinking The Fleet" & "Kineo Flint"
June 2010 "The Fishermen's Dilemma" & "The Mysterious Short Life of the Traveler III"
July 2010 "Over A Barrel" & "The Other Well: Dowsing, Facts and Fables"
August 2010 "Maine Permit Bank Opens" & "The Rockland Breakwater and Lighthouse"
September 2010 "Quotas, Consolidation Pounds N.E. Fleet" & "Adventure, Living Up To Its Name"
October 2010 "Lobster Plant" & "Paul Revere And His Bells"
November 2010 "Scallop Grab Blocked" & "Rail And Snipe: The Other Thanksgiving Birds"
December 2010 "Cod Returns?" & "Winter Fishing"
January 2011 "NOAA Irons Tuna Quota" & "One of a Kind"
February 2011 "Unhappy Holidays For Lobster Shippers" & "Maine Bricks — A Tradition Born Of Necessity"
March 2011 "Groundfishermen Face Economic Disaster" & "Ted Hoskins: Fisherman's Advocate Maine and Belize"
April 2011 "Green Boats, Acid Water" & "Worst U.S. Natural Disaster"
May 2011 "American Lobster in the Asian Century" & "Tidewater Brown Trout"
June 2011 "Looking At Limited Entry Lobster" & "Mooning Norumbega"
July 2011 "Alewives Attract Gulls and Gawkers" & "Eastern Puma – The Mystery Continues"
August 2011 "Now Vertical Lines" & "Lumberman's Legacy – Bean Hole Beans"
September 2011 "Blue Revolution Revisited" & "Medicine Plants: A Legacy Of Maine's Seafaring Past"
October 2011 "Pirate Fishing" & "Sam Houston, Washington's Body Guard"
November 2011 "Council Moves on Fleet Diversity" & "Maine's Dear Herd – Past, Present, Future"
December 2011 "Bait Futures" & "Colonial Pemaquid"
January 2012 "Better Management Eyed for Menhaden" & "The Quilt"
February 2012 "Dramatic Cod Decline Bodes Ill for Fishermen" & "Smelt Camp – A Coastal Maine Tradition"
March 2012 "Severe Impacts on Cod" & "Learning the Ropes"
April 2012 "Local Over Federal Action on Fish Protection" & "Pilley House – Best Little Museum in Maine"
May 2012 "Limited Entry, Young Want In, Seniors Out" & "Kenneth Roberts – Maine's Contribution to American History"
June 2012 "Stocks and Science in System Glitcht" & "Sir Hiram Maxim: Maine Native, Inventor, Knight"
July 2012 "Observers On Herring Fleet Closed Areas Still Open" & "Mackerel Fishing - A Maine Tradition"
August 2012 "Lobster Glut" & "Wonders of the Summer Sky"
September 2012 "Lobster Biologists on Lobster" & "Made in Maine"
October 2012 "Fishery Advocates See Disaster in Groundfish Cuts" & "Try Late-Season Trout Fishing"
November 2012 "Sitting on Armageddon" & "Lay of the Land Key to Successful Deer Hunting"
December 2012 "Lobstering Then and Now" & "History of Belfast"
January 2013 "What's in Store for Maine's Lobster Fishery?" & "A History of Belfast – Part II"
February 2013 "On Lobster Cuts & Mother Nature" & "Rum Runners and the Age of Prohibition"
March 2013 "Wake of the Sacred Cod?" & "The Wreck of The Ship P.R. Hazeltine"
April 2013 "Turning A Profit" & "The Fishing Heritage of Belfast Bay"
May 2013 "Glass Eels: Big Rewards, More Regulations" & "Maine’s Legendary Streamer Flies: Useful Works of Art"
June 2013 "Scallopers Weigh Regs & Access" & "Coastal Maine Places"
July 2013 "11th Hour G’Fish Brawl " & "Maine in the Civil War"
August 2013 "No Glut, No Price, Now What? " & "Bernard Raynes – Fisherman"
September 2013 "Lobstermen Open to Area-Specific Ending Rules " & "Fort Pownall"
October 2013 "Seaweed: More Questions" & "The Penobscot Narrows"
November 2013 "Council Explores Cost-Sharing Mechanism for At-Sea Monitoring" & "Eskers, Glaciers and Maine Beaches"
December 2013 "The Community of Fishing: A Lot Has Disappeared" & Comet ISON - The Mystery Comet of 2013"
January 2014 "Green Crabs" & The Kate — The Last Steamship on Moosehead Lake"
February 2014 "Bluefin Quota Revamp" & "History of Fort St. Georges"
March 2014 "Ocean Planning" & "Maple Syruping"
April 2014 "Bluefin Quota Revamp" & "History of Fort St. Georges"
May 2014 "Lobster Marketing Moves Into First-Year Outreach" & "Carving and Dealing Granite"
June 2014 "Wild Habitat and Fin Fish Pens" & "Granite Cutters in Maine, Part II"
July 2014 "Lobster Traps and Drifters Monitoring Sea" & "Maine Archaeology on the Passagassawaukeag"
August 2014 "Lobster Council Mulls Fishery’s Future " & "The Boston Boats"
September 2014 "Trawling Up " & "Captain Jim Sharp and the Sail, Power & Steam Museum"
October 2014 "Maine Scallop Fishery a Balancing Act" & "The Great Gale of 1898 and the Sinking of the Steamer Portland"
November 2014 "Fishermen Call Foul on Cod Count" & "Snow's Point Shipyard"
December 2014 "Cod Emergency Whacks Fishermen" & "The Bloodless Aroostook War"
January 2015 ""Possibility Open" That Habitat Closures Could Impact Lobster Gear" & "Scalp Bounties and Lovewell's War"
February 2015 "Habitat Closures an Overreach!" & "The Great Fires of Belfast"
March 2015 "Fishing the Gray Zone" & "The Jennie Flood Kreger"
April 2015 "Cod Extinction Unlikely" & "Remember the Maine"
May 2015 "Diversity Failing" & "Dave Small, Nature Photographer"
June 2015 "Habitat Protections Move Forward" & "The MacMillan Voyages on the Schooner Bowdoin"
July 2015 "Searsport Dredging Seen as Fishery Threat" & "Captain Waymouth's Voyage of Discovery"
August 2015 "Emergency Suspension of Observers Requested" & "The Sabino"
September 2015 "Catch Shares Take Toll Council Called To Task" & "From Maine to Montreal, Circa 1827"
October 2015 "Groundfish Control" & "From Maine to Montreal, Circa 1827 – Part II"
November 2015 "Council Declares Amendment 18 Flawed Then Votes It In" & "From Maine to Montreal, Circa 1827 – Part III"
December 2015 "The Cost of Counting Herring Fishery Bycatch" & "Bagpipes of Maine"
January 2016 "New Lobster Marketing Initiatives Reach Millions" & "The Red Jacket"
February 2016 "Herring vs. Haddock in Data Debate" & "Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death"
March 2016 "Localized Herring Depletion Draws Widespread Attention" & "Belfast Shipbuilders"
April 2016 "Lobster Boom: How Long Can it Last?" & "Maine’s Trotting Parks"
May 2016 "Fishermen & Farmers Meet at Machias" & "Selling Maine"
June 2016 "Council Moves Forward on Localized Depletion of Herring" & "Maine’s Champion Trees"
July 2016 "New England Fishery Revenue Edges Up" & "Cataracts and Working at Sea"
August 2016 "Ocean Plan Process Lacks Fishermen Participation" & "Maine Ferries"
September 2016 "Global Warming Warps Mgt. Lens" & "Maine Anglers Score With Squid"
October 2016 "Lobstermen, Crab & Fin Fishermen Shut Out of Georges" & "Maine’s Roadside Springs"
November 2016 "Slow Food, Maine Lobster" & "Casco Bay Under Military Rule"
December 2016 "Lobster & the Future of Bait" & "When the Arnold Expedition Passed Through Skowhegan"
January 2017 "Zone B Trap War" & "Decoding Historic Sailing Vessels"
February 2017 "Privatization & the Future of the Fisheries" & "Flint and Steel – Fire Starters That Never Fail"
March 2017 "Coral Areas Off MDI On Table" & "Greatest Submarine Rescue in History"
April 2017 "Lobster Landings Surge, Settlement Declines" & "Maine’s Covered Bridgess"
May 2017 "Warming Water Changing Lobster Behavior" & "Maine Scalloper Sunk By German Torpedo"
June 2017 "Atlantic Herring" & "The Old Sow"
July 2017 "Lobster Industry Grapples with Climate Change" & "Maine’s Pulp and Paper Industry"
August 2017 "Global Lobster Trade" & "When the Civil War Came to Maine"
September 2017 "Lobster Dilemma" & "War and Peace: The Belfast Batteries"
October 2017 "Organized & Funded Effort Begins Alewife Restoration, Part 1" & "The Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635"
November 2017 "It’s Complicated" & "The Mysterious Case of the Mary Celeste"
December 2017 "Scallop Feedback Wrapped Into New Season" & "The Grand Design, a Shipwreck, Betrayal and Rescue by Indians"
January 2018 "Major Lobster Market Upheaval in 2017" & "Subs & Spies in WWII Maine"
February 2018 "Data Deficit" & "The Blizzard of 1888"
March 2018 "Coral Protection Zones to Ban Fishing Gear" & "Maine Lighthouses"
April 2018 "Lobster Industry Grapples With Right Whale Deaths" & "When Trout Go To Sea"
May 2018 "Maine Lobster Industry" & "A Brief History of Malaga Island"
June 2018 "Ropeless Lobster Fishing Under Consideration, Near-term Use Unlikely" & "Maine’s Bald Eagles"
July 2018 "Severe Cuts Projected for Herring Fishery" & "The Famous Schooner Polly"
August 2018 "Restoring Atlantic Salmon to the Narraguagus" & "William McGilvery, Renowned Merchant and Ship Owner"
September 2018 "Severe Herring Fishery Cuts on Tap as Young Fish Remain Elusive" & "Captured by The Mohawks"
October 2018 "Boosting Green Crab Culinary Markets" & "Lightning"
November 2018 "Herring Protections Seek Ecosystem/Fisheries Balance" & "The Perils of Iceburg Alley"
December 2018 "Scallop Lottery Gives Four Winners a ‘Golden Opportunity’" & "Popham Colony – The Other Jamestown"
January 2019 " “Disaster” – 86% Reduction in Atlantic Herring" & "The Tragic End of the Steamer Lexington"
February 2019 "Alternative Bait Protocols To Be Developed" & "Moving to Maine"
March 2019 "Maine Debates Gray Zone Contested Waters Bill" & "The Sinking of the Andrea Doria"
April 2019 "Lobster Industry Grapples with Whales and Bait Crises" & "The Cheseborough"
May 2019 "Two Court Decisions Later, Questions Still Surround Rockweed" & "Hard Knocks"
June 2019 "50% Endline Reduction Expected in Lobster Fishery" & "Hurricanes Carol and Edna Unleash Fury on Maine"
July 2019 "Lobstermen Snarled in Enline Impasse" & "Foragers Tape Into Nature’s Smorgasbord"
August 2019 "Maine: The Best Lobster Regs?" & "The Suicide Run to Murmansk"
September 2019 "Lobstermen: Maine Fishery Doesn’t Harm Right Whales" & "Rogue Waves"
October 2019 "Fishermen Grapple With Offshore Wind’s Complicated Issues" & "American Shad Return to Maine’s Rivers"
November 2019 "Atlantic Herring Spawning Protections" & "Maine in the China Trade"
December 2019 "Endline End Game" & "The Daring Rescue of the Pendelton Crew"
January 2020 "Beal Lobsterman Plucked from Icy Water" & "The Curious Case of The Carroll A. Deering"
February 2020 "Compromise or Resist?" & "All Hands Safe"
March 2020 "Future of Seafood Industry Includes Both Wild and Farmed Sepcies" & "Schooner Racing"
April 2020 "Lobster Industry Wrestles with Whale Issue " & "The Wreck of the Steamship Bohemian"
May 2020 "Maine’s Seafood Industry in Crisis" & "Cannibals Off the Coast of Maine"

To order back issues of Fishermen's Voice contact us at:


P.O. Box 253, Gouldsboro, Maine  04607
207-963-7195 or e-mail: