New Bedford, Ma. One of Carlos Rafael’s reported 42 vessels in logo green & yellow. The fall out from the Rafael groundfish fraud conviction continues to roil the economic security of New Bedford, America’s wealthiest fishing port. Fishermen have been driven out by catch shares and shoreside businesses are threatened by the possible loss to the port of Rafael’s large consolidation of vessels and permits. Fishermen’s Voice photo
Data Deficit
Lobster Fishermen Are Asked to
Improve Their Reporting
by Laurie Schreiber
ELLSWORTH—In the face of new management actions in the Northwest Atlantic—including the protection of deep sea corals, the declaration of a national monument, and the expansion of offshore wind projects—lobster fishermen are being asked to improve their data reporting in order to better understand where the fishery is occurring and potential economic impacts of the various management actions.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASFMC) hosted a meeting in Ellsworth on Jan. 11 to get input on draft Addendum XXVI to Amendment 3 to the American Lobster Fishery Management Plan.
“There’s a lot of new management, and the problem is proving where people are fishing and economic impacts. That’s where this started,” explained ASMFC fishery management plan coordinator Megan Ware.
Fishermen were asked to consider three issues:
• What percentage of harvesters should be required to report in the lobster and Jonah crab fisheries. The addendum recommends the implementation of electronic reporting by the states as a cost-effective method to increase harvester reporting.