Double Eagle out of Rockland at Owls Head. Built by Charles Engalls, Jr. on the East Machias River in 1929. It has remained active hauling herring from stop seines and seine boats to the islands and shore. Recently restored, it’s the last of the doublenders. Peter Ralston photo www.ralstongallery.com
Boosting Green Crab Culinary Markets
by Laurie Schreiber
Dense populations of European green crabs along Maine’s coast is viewed as a devastating situation that has cascading impacts on other species and their habitats, like Maine’s lucrative soft-shell clam and mussel fisheries.
Now, researchers at Manomet – a science nonprofit in Brunswick that works in diverse sectors, including fisheries, agriculture and forestry – are looking at culinary uses for soft-shell green crabs, with an eye toward a profitable new fishery.