August 12, 2018 Lobster boat races, Winter Harbor, Maine. Of the 40 boats that entered this race, 30 were Winter Harbor boats. It was a special fundraiser race to help cover the Winter Harbor Coop manager’s recent medical expenses. Each of the Winter Harbor boats contributed $200 to participate. As the lobster season gets into high gear, bait supply uncertainties loom large. Terry Boivin Photo @boivinterry.
Severe Herring Fishery Cuts on Tap as Young Fish Remain Elusive
by Laurie Schreiber
ARLINGTON, Va — At its Aug. 7 meeting, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) accepted the 2018 stock assessment report for Atlantic herring, which says the stock has experienced reduced biomass and poor recruitment over the last five years.
The assessment was completed in June.
The last stock assessment update for Atlantic herring occurred in 2015 and included data through 2014. Results of that assessment indicated that Atlantic herring was not overfished and overfishing was not occurring.