Mussel harvesting in Thomas Bay off the Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton. Mussel bags are being offloaded at the Trenton Airport boat ramp. Harvesters collected less than 1.8 million pounds of mussel meat in 2016, the lowest in 40 years. Causes include algae blooms, invasive green crabs and ocean acidity. See invasive green crab video here. Winston Shaw photo.
Atlantic Herring Spawning Protections
A Work in Progress
by Laurie Schreiber
GLOUCESTER, Mass.—At its September meeting, the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) decided to initiate a framework action to protect spawning herring in herring management areas 3, 2, and 1B.
But for now, NEFMC trimmed specifics that identified proposed spawning area closures and duration of closures, as well as restrictions on gear types.
Port Clyde Fisherman’s Transplant Fundraiser Urgent
Port Clyde fisherman Glenn Libby has been undergoing medical treatment for an auto immune disease that has effected his liver. He is on a waiting list for a liver transplant. Glenn is making regular twice monthly trips to Boston for treatment. Week long hotel stays and related expenses are a part of the added significant financial burden on him and his family.