Scallop License Lottery Available

The Maine Department of Marine Resources is announcing the opening of two license lotteries: one for scallop drag licenses and one for scallop dive licenses. Based on licenses retired in 2018, the Department is making available 6 scallop drag licenses and 4 scallop dive licenses for the 2019-2020 scallop season.
The license lotteries are now open, and will remain open until 4:30 pm on November 8.
Applicants may enter online at or may or may complete a paper application at the DMR offices in the Marquardt Building, 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta. The Department will not be accepting paper applications through the mail.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine their eligibility to participate in the scallop license lotteries. If an applicant is drawn, but determined to be ineligible, that drawing shall be void and the Department will draw another individual. The application fee submitted with the ineligible application is non-refundable.
More information on eligibility criteria is available online.
A Frequently Asked Questions document is available online as well.
If you have remaining questions, please call Maine DMR at 624-6550, Option 2 and we will try to assist you.