FV Family Tradition dragging urchins off Lubec, Maine, January, 2018. The 40' Novi boat was built at Cape Sable and is powered with a 300HP John Deere. Captain and owner Rick Wright is at the helm while sternmen sort through urchins. More on the 2018-19 urchin harvest, prices, markets and changing resource at Lubec on page 22. Chessie Crowe Gartmayer photo.
Alternative Bait Protocols
To Be Developed
by Laurie Schreiber
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASFMC) Lobster Bait Working Group held a webinar on Jan. 4 to consider the establishment of protocols for the importation and use of new or alternative bait species.
According to ASFMC information, the working group was established by a vote of the AMSFC’s American Lobster Management Board during its October 2018 meeting. The board discussed bait sources available to the lobster fishery, in light of expected reductions in landings of Atlantic herring, a preferred bait source in the lobster fishery.
The board reviewed the Maine Department of Marine Resources’ (DMR) existing bait protocol, which was established by Maine in order to reduce the risk of viral agents, parasites, and nuisance species being brought via bait into nearby waters.
As part of its considerations, the board agreed to develop “a resolution to address threats created by the use of lobster baits that are known to harbor viral, bacterial, parasitic, and invasive agents that could pose a risk to lobster and other indigenous species. Such measures must ensure that the use of such baits will be prohibited by December 2020,” according to ASMFC documents.