Sea Grant Biennial Request for Proposals


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New Hampshire Sea Grant seeks pre-proposals for its 2020-2021 research funding cycle. Every two years, NH Sea Grant issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) for those seeking major (?$100K per year) funding for research projects. During 2019, NH Sea Grant will be reviewing proposals from investigators for one or two-year research funding during the 2020-2021 cycle, which officially runs February 1, 2020 - January 31, 2022. A brief summary of this opportunity is provided below along with links to additional information.

NH Sea Grant Call for Proposals

The guiding philosophy for NH Sea Grant is to serve the state and region by supporting innovative and cutting-edge research integrated with expert extension, outreach, and education to support dialogue and science-based decision-making in areas of particular importance to our region. To meet our mission, we seek to foster and support the highest quality marine and coastal research and education projects that relate to the NH Sea Grant Program’s Strategic Plan’s Focus Areas:

1. Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

2. Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

3. Resilient Communities and Economies

4. Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

For the 2020-2021 RFP, NH Sea Grant encourages proposals that relate to aquaculture research. This enables us to take advantage of matching funds made available by NOAA’s National Sea Grant College Program for successful projects that relate to this topic. However, all high quality proposals addressing any of the Focus Areas outlined in NH Sea Grant’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan will be given equal consideration.

Successful proposals will clearly identify end-users of the resulting research, and robust engagement and extension activities will be a requirement for all proposals. Thus, we strongly recommend that researchers seek out external partners and/or work with NH Sea Grant extension specialists and educators as early as possible to ensure that their direct input is integrated during the proposal development process. See the section below for additional guidelines about “Adding Extension and Outreach to Your Proposals.”

Please refer to the 2018-2021 NH Sea Grant Strategic Plan for specific guidance on goals for research, extension and education. Investigators writing research proposals should carefully read this document and consider how their proposed project aligns with the research theme and/or the broader goals of NHSG. The sections below under “RFP Process Details” provide important information for RFP applicants.

Submission Deadlines

• Pre-proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on February 22, 2019.

• Notification of the status of the review of all pre-proposals will be made by April 5, 2019.

• Full proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on June 4, 2019.

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