Maine Permit Bank Opens

by Mike Crowe

After a year of negotiations the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) have initiated the first transactions of the Permit Bank Program as a going concern on July 21.

“The purpose,” said Togue Brawn of the Maine Department of Marine Resources, “is to buy as much access as possible with the money they have.” The program is not economic relief for those who want to get out of fishing by selling their permit. She said the program wants to get bids (to sell) permits that will bring the most access possible.

With the establishment of the catch shares system earlier this year further consolidation of the fleet and access rights has been expected. Small ports are being hit the hardest. NMFS, or NOAA Fisheries, as it currently prefers to be known, agreed that something needed to be done to mitigate the loss of access to the fishing grounds in Maine.


boats racing
Maine Lobster Boat Racing Schedule 2010
June 19 - Boothbay Harbor
Info: (207) 380-5295
Marshall (207) 380-5892
June 20 - Rockland
Info: (207) 354-8763
July 3 - Moosebec Reach
Beals Island/Jonesport
Info: (207) 598-6681
July 10 - Searsport
Info: (207) 548-6362
July 11 - Stonington
Info: (207) 348-2375
July 24 - Friendship
Info: (207) 832-7807
July 25 - Harpswell
Info: (207) 725-2567
August 14 - Winter Harbor
Info: (207) 963-7139
August 15 - Merritt Bracket Lobster Boat Races, Pemaquid
Info: D. Drisko (207) 677-2432
L. Crane (207) 563-8707
August 22 - Maine Lobster Boat Race, MS Society, Portland
Info: (207) 799-6718


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