Stonington Races: Big Turn Out
on a Great Day
Lobster boat races at Stonington drew 109 boats to race on a spectacular day in early July. That race marked the 24th year lobster races were held in Stonington since Harlan Billings of Billings Marine started the tradition in 1983.
The races at Stonington are a real community effort. Individuals and organizations including the ambulance service lent their support. Race coordinator, Genevieve MacDonald, said 15 volunteers worked for months to organize the event that went off without a hitch. Without a hitch, not counting the wait for the additional boats to register. Since every lobster boat racing event start time seems to be late, late starts may not qualify as a hitch.
Lobster boat racing events don’t track how many spectators show up, but there were a lot of boats along the course, a lot of people in town and people standing along shore in Stonington. The weather? One engine company rep said, “It’s always good in Stonington.”
Looking west down the race course toward Billings Marine near horizon center.
The committee boat is just above boat racing in the lead, left. Acadia UAV photo