Hydrographic Surveys in Penobscot
and Jericho Bays

Area of Penobscot and Jericho Bays where hydrologic surveys will be conducted between July and October 2017. The project is being conducted by NOAA to update National Ocean Service (NOS) nautical charting products. Stars indicate where bottom samples will be taken.
The Maine DMR has no involvement in the survey, so any questions should be directed to NOAA’s Navigation Manager, LT CDR Meghan McGovern (meghan.mcgovern@noaa.gov or 401-782-3252).
The purpose of this project is to provide contemporary surveys to update National Ocean Service (NOS) nautical charting products. This project area is located in the highly trafficked areas of Penobscot and Jericho Bays. The Bays are home to some of the busiest lobster fishing grounds in the region and contribute greatly to the local community. Fishermen in the area have requested up to date and accurate surveys to assist in safe navigation along the working grounds.
The project will begin on or about July 19, 2017, ending in September or October. Fugro Pelagos Inc. will be contracted to survey in this area and will leave port from multiple locations around Penobscot Bay. The survey will be starting in Eastern Penobscot Bay, moving to Jericho Bay, and then up into Eggemoggin Reach. They will also collect bottom samples with a small grab sampler.
Data will be published to all public via updated hydrographic charts that will be available here: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ngdc.html
Anyone can follow along with the progress of the survey here: http://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=84f1127b56d7464c8deaae9d88f5ac94