So Goes The Nation?
“Here is the political reporting and analysis at its best—without shrieks and full of facts to back up what the author is saying. The first chapter is a barn burner that gripped me from the moment I started reading. – Neil Rolde,
Author and Historian
Maine’s voluble governor has inspired a Portland writer to write a book about him. It was published with a Kickstarter campaign. While this may be an unusual approach to getting a book published, it seems appropriate given Paul Lepage is for some a most oddly unusual Maine governor. So different is Paul Lepage from his predecessors say critics, that many people are asking how, why and who made it happen. Hence, political reporting and analysis that tries to answer how a political decision like this occurred in an otherwise known-for-common-sense New England state. The book is now in book stores, on, and is published by Tilbury House in South Thomaston, Maine.