Drill Conductor Course Held
in South Bristol

The class participants pictured left to right are: Gabe Cooley, Bradford Tibbetts, Logan Eckel, Instructor John McMillan, Evan Eckel, Brandon Higgins, Thomas Hanna, Andrew Bartlett.
On Sunday, June 22 the South Bristol Fire Station and South Bristol Fishermen’s Co-op hosted the training course. The class work was completed at the South Bristol Fire Station. The students then donned immersion survival gear and completed the Cold Water Survival Training off the docks of the South Bristol Co-op.
The Course Instructor is John McMillan of McMillan Offshore Survival Training. The Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor Course is a mandatory requirement for Student Lobster Fisherman wanting to earn their Commercial Lobster Fishing License.
The students enjoyed the in-water survival skills training. These future Commercial Lobster Fishermen and Vessel Captains satisfactorily completed the course designed to meet the requirements of 46 CFR 28.270. They are now nationally certified Fishing Vessel Drill Conductors. The captain of a vessel is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of the vessel and its equipment and for the safety of everyone on board. It is the captain’s responsibility to ensure that the vessel and crew are as prepared as possible for the ever-present possibility of an accident or emergency. The students were instructed on the many aspects of preparedness, safety and survival.
For Drill Conductor Course information or to schedule a class contact John McMillan at 233-0787. http://mcmillanoffshore.com/offshore-survival-courses/.