Shrimp 2010-11


The northern shrimp season was set at 136 days, a 4,000 metric ton TAC, and zero days off. The November Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Northern Shrimp section met in Portsmouth, NH and heard deliberation from fishermen who wanted among other things to have days off to extend the season into the late winter to fish on shrimp in deeper waters beyond the 50 fathom line.

Prior to that meeting the Northern Shrimp Technical Com- mittee (TC) and the Advisory Panel (AP) had met to discuss the shrimp stock status. The TC recommended that the total catch not exceed 4,000 metric tons, that fishermen should avoid fishing on small shrimp and that fishing mortality should be less than or equal to .29 percent of the total stock. The (AP) recommended the season be 180 days in length and that it start on December 1, 2010.

After hearing the TC report and the AP recommendation the Shrimp section commissioners moved to develop an amendment to clarify the issues of mortality rate, allowing trip limits and other issues that arise during the scoping process. That motion passed unanimously.

There was discussion about possibly imposing some days out of the fishery, days of the week during which no fishing would be allowed. Additional discussion was about an amendment to limit entry. The rationale was, “the shrimp fishery is a targeted fishery (with controlled catch) without any control over effort (entry).” In the end there was no official action taken on either of those issues.

In their final action, the commissioners voted unanimously to support the following motion offered by Commissioner Lapointe and seconded by Rep. Abbott:

2010-2011 Northern Shrimp season start on 1 December 2010 and run through 15 April 2011 (136 days) with zero days out of the fishery. Northern Shrimp section will assess the fishery to determine if the harvest will exceed 4,000 metric tons. The remainder of the season may be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the season length, imposing trip limits or by other means [deemed necessary].

This Northern Shrimp season will start on December 1, 2010 and run continuously through April 15, 2011 – unless it is determined that the catch will exceed 4,000 metric tons.

The big robust shrimp the brought in last season were from the 2005 year class. The season was shut down 3 weeks early after 5,600 MT was reached. Maine boats brought in 90% of the 12.3 million pounds harvested.

The survey cruise found ‘08and ‘09 shrimp that will be good in a few years. But this season they will be hard to avoid while fishing on ’06 and ’07 tear classes.

Commissioners will make an assessment in mid season and adjust the length of the season either way if necessary.


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