Diadromous Species Restoration Research Network Update
A bi-monthly announcement of happenings in the diadromous species research and restoration community
Please visit the DSRRN Website: www.umaine.edu/searunfish to learn more about:
(Please note new website design. Update links are now located in right hand column)
Event: Roundtable: “What's next for the Gulf of Maine river herring?” Dec 16
Penobscot Science Exchange: Fall 2010 Science Exchange Meeting Presentations and Notes
Call For Abstracts: 2011 Maine Water Conference River Restoration Session Due Dec 17
Funding Opportunity: US Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish Passage Program Due Sept 30, 2011
Recent Publication: “Alteration of streamflow magnitudes and potential ecological consequences: a multiregional assessment”
Regional Restoration: West Winterport and Sedgeunkedunk (Maine) Dam Removals
*** WANTED: Restoration News from Rivers Outside of Maine! If you have a restoration project, article, or job or funding opportunity in your area, please let us know!
If you have announcements or questions or would like to be removed from this list please contact the Science Information Coordinator (contact information below). Please keep submissions brief and be sure to include a web link with each submission. Thanks!