Atlantic Herring
Seven Public Hearings on Amendment 8 in
May and June from Maine to Pennsylvania

ABC (Acceptable Biological Catch) control rules define how catch or fishing mortality change with stock size. They are used in setting annual catch limits. NEMFC graphic
The New England Fishery Management Council has scheduled a series of public hearings on Amendment 8 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan. The purpose of the hearings is to solicit comments on the amendment’s two major components, which include: (Part 1) 10 alternatives to establish a long-term acceptable biological catch (ABC) control rule that “may explicitly account for herring’s role in the ecosystem” plus “address the biological and ecological requirements of the stock;” and (Part 2) nine primary alternatives to address potential localized depletion and user conflicts, with several spatial and seasonal sub-options designed to help minimizing biological and socioeconomic impacts.
• Alternative 3 – year-round prohibition on using midwater trawl gear in Atlantic Herring Management Area 1A (red hatching);
• Alternative 2 – closure to all vessels and gear types fishing for Atlantic herring within 6 nautical miles (nm) from shore in Area 114 (solid pink area off the back of Cape Cod) with a two-year sunset clause and two seasonal sub-options; and
• Alternative 7 – prohibition on midwater trawl gear within five different thirty minute squares with spatial and seasonal
sub-options (green outlined blocks).
• Alternative 8 – revert the Area 1B/3 boundary to pre- Amendment 1 coordinates (dashed lines above) but maintain the Area 2/3 boundary as it stands today, which would substantially expand Area 1B and commensurately
reduce Area 3 to encompass less inshore water (note: herring catches shown in pink; darker patches indicate areas with higher catches); and
• Alternative 9 – remove the seasonal closure in Area 1B so that the area opens on January 1 instead of May 1, as is currently the case.
Public Hearing Schedule
• Narragansett, RI – Tuesday, May 22, University of Rhode Island, Coastal Institute Building, Hazard Room, 215 S. Ferry Road, 6 p.m.
• Rockport, ME – Thursday, May 24, Samoset Resort, 220 Warrenton Street, 6 p.m.
• Gloucester, MA – Wednesday, May 30, Beauport Hotel, 55 Commercial Street, 6 p.m.
• Philadelphia, PA – Tuesday, June 5, DoubleTree by Hilton, 237 South Broad Street, 4 p.m., NOTE: This hearing will begin immediately following the close of business at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council meeting.
• Portland, ME – Tuesday, June 12, Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring Street, 4 p.m., NOTE: This hearing will begin immediately following the close of business at the New England Fishery Management Council meeting.
• Chatham, MA – Tuesday, June 19, Chatham Community Center, 702 Main Street, 6 p.m.
• Webinar Hearing – Wednesday, June 20, starting at 2 p.m. Registration is required to participate. Here’s how:
Follow the registration instructions at
In addition, a call-in option is available to join the webinar. Dial 1 (415) 930-5321 and, when prompted, plug in the following access code: 346-818-026. Be aware that regular phone charges may apply.
The public hearing document will be available soon at
All other Amendment 8 materials are available at this link as well, including the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). A copy of the meeting notice with the full schedule of public hearings and webinar instructions can be downloaded at
As for the ABC control rule alternatives in Amendment 8, the Council conducted an extensive Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to collect stakeholder input from the bottom up and assess the performance of different management approaches. The MSE also helped gauge the tradeoffs between the various alternatives, spelling out the pros and cons of each proposal. Amendment 8 proposes that future modifications to the ABC control rule be made through a framework adjustment or an amendment.
ABC control rules define how catch or fishing mortality change with stock size.
They are used in setting annual catch limits. NEMFC graphic
Public Comment Deadline
Written comments are welcome.
The deadline for submitting written comments is Monday, June 25 at 5 p.m., although earlier submissions are highly encouraged.
Label correspondence as “DEIS for Amendment 8 to the Atlantic Herring FMP” and send to:
Tom Nies, Executive Director
New England Fishery Management Council
50 Water Street, Mill 2
Newburyport, MA 01950
Fax: (978) 465-3116
What Will Happen Next
Following the public hearing process, the Council’s Herring Committee, Herring Plan Development Team, and Herring Advisory Panel will review comments over the summer and develop recommendations for the full Council to consider.
The Council is expected to take final action on Amendment 8 during its September 25-27, 2018 meeting in Plymouth, MA.