September 2012 Volume 17, No. 9

Snowe Welcomes Canadian Court Injunction in Lobster Dispute
WASHINGTON, D.C. , Aug. 9 – U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine), Ranking Member of the Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard, welcomed a ruling from a New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench judge, who granted a 10-day injunction to limit Canadian lobstermen from blocking Maine lobster trucks trying to reach the processing plants. The action was reportedly requested by five fish processing plants in New Brunswick. According to the State Department, the ruling from Justice George Rideout imposes a maximum of six picketers at the processors, and at any given time they must be at least 200 feet from the entrance, exit, or property of the facilities.
Members of Senator Snowe’s staff also organized a phone call with Governor LePage’s office, the offices of Maine’s Congressional Delegation, and staff from the U.S. Department of State to discuss the situation and the injunction. A number of issues were raised by Sen. Snowe’s staff today, including the possible court action, the impact on the Canadian fish processing sector, and future trade implications with Canada. The representatives on the phone call discussed the best way forward to ensure the vitality of Maine’s fishing industry and the continued, collaborative relationship with the United State’s trading partners in Canada.
Wronged Fisherman Forced to Sue After Claims Denied
Letters to the Editor – Is There a Tank Alternative?
Lawmakers Pose Solutions to Lobster Crisis
The Ruckus Between New Brunswick Fishermen and Processors
Longfin Squid More Prevalent Than Usual
Racing Season Down to Finish in September
Northeast Vessel Cost Survey is in the Mail
Urchins: Zone 2 Seaason Shorter, Zone 1 Longer
Sperm Whale, Rare on Maine Coast, Found Dead Off Schoodic
Choke Stock: The Yellowtail Flounder Dilemma
Captain Perry Wrinle – My Inheritence
2012 Maine Lobster Boat Racing Schedule
Pick Up Truck Prize at 48th Winter Harbor Races
Underwater Noise Decreaes Whale Communications in Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary