Is There a Tank Alternative?
Here on the midcoast of Maine, we have a lot to be grateful for: pristine woodlands dotted with crystalline lakes and streams, breathtaking expanses of fields and mountain views, the rocky coastline zigzagging its way along sparkling Penobscot Bay, and in these summer months, the many opportunities we and our visitors have to hike, climb, camp, fish, swim or sail. We can search for treasures at as many flea markets as we can find, or browse the freshness and colorful abundance of the local farmer’s markets.
It’s all so beautiful, precious and unique, right?
So, why would any town, especially one that’s smack in the middle of the midcoast, jeopardize its own well-being and that of its neighbors by allowing the largest LPG tank and distribution facility on the east coast to be built on a tiny patch of ground on Route 1 where everyone can see it, hear it and smell it?
In the year’s time since this proposal first came to light, opposition to it has grown steadily larger and more widespread by the day, and with good reason: increased industrialization of this type brings with it a whole new set of safety and environmental hazards we are ill-prepared to deal with, puts enormous strains on local resources and infrastructure, likely injures the local economy and property values, and forever blemishes the midcoast’s landscape.
Surely there is a better alternative for Searsport than to allow Duke Conoco-Philips to shoehorn its will and its tank into the midcoast region, but who is making the effort to find that alternative? Maybe what Searsport really needs is a think tank instead of a mega-tank; a think tank of local individuals eager to explore sensible, viable, beneficial ways to boost the local economy, utilizing Searsport’s natural advantages as an attractive, historic, coastal community.
Its waterfront alone offers countless possibilities: boat building and repair, dockage and mooring, charter cruising and fishing, waterfront dining and entertainment. With a little help, Main Street with so many charming shops and inns could easily become a prime destination for local and regional travelers.
The possibilities are there, but who among Searsport residents will step forward to re-imagine and re-design their community for the 21st century, and in a way that honors its past and protects its future?
Surely there are some “local heroes” waiting in the wings for their opportunity to lead Searsport into the prosperous, healthy future it deserves, and the time for them to step out from behind the curtains and take center stage is NOW.
Come on, Searsport! How about a Think Tank instead of a Mega Tank?
Maryjean Crowe