Capt. Mark East’s Advice to the Careworn, Confused, Lovelorn and Other Outdoor People
Dear Captain Mark,
I hope you can give me some advice. I’m at my rope’s end. I’m a 22 year old female who’s been working the big boats as a cleaner or cook or mate for five years. During that time I’ve been taking courses to get my skipper’s license because I want to become a lady captain. I really don’t want to go back to a berth on a smaller boat cause it seems like a step back. What should I do.
Glass Pilothouse Breaker
Dear Glass Pilothouse Breaker,
Step back to go forward. Put a blind ad out there in few words as possible telling what you want to do and throw in a sweetner for time behind the wheel while doing other duties. Upward mobility such as yours is hard to find these days. You’ll make it. You’re still young.
Dear Captain,
I’ve been working for a yacht club (name withheld) for about 15 years and for the first time one of the members asked me to go out for a sail with them. I have put them off, wondering if accepting would be appropriate. What’s your advice on a situation like this?
Perplexed Afternoon Sail
Dear Perplexed,
As you probably realize, true boating people are among the greatest in the world and except for some of the stuffiest of yacht clubs, the members are generally quite appreciative of those working. I would accept, because personally I think that if you’ve been a loyal employee for 15 years the member is probably showing that appreciation. Go for it.