Wronged Fisherman Forced to
Sue After Claims Denied
August 13, 2012 – Captain Larry Yacubian, a former New Bedford, Massachusetts fishermen who lost his business, his boat, his license to fish – and literally the family farm – as a result of a Federal prosecution described by the United States Secretary of Commerce as having “overstepped the bounds of propriety and fairness...” is seeking to hold the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) accountable for its actions in a recently filed lawsuit in United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. “By forcing them to face the consequences of their actions, I hope to deter the agency from continuing its egregious conduct and to remedy the harm NOAA has done to my family and me,” said Captain Yacubian.
“It is an embarrassment to the U.S. government that Larry Yacubian has to return to the legal system to receive fair compensation,” said Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.). “His case was cited by the Department of Commerce’s Inspector General and Judge Swartwood as the quintessential example of mistreatment by NOAA Law Enforcement. While the government apologized and returned the fines to fishermen that were harmed that figure fell well short of covering their legal fees and lost earnings. The government admitted it did Mr. Yacubian and others harm, now it should provide restitution.”
The lawsuit comes on the heels of the first investigation and report of Special Master Charles B. Swartwood, III, which found “overzealous, abusive or arbitrary conduct by NOAA personnel.
Read entire story and document links at: fishermensvoice.com.