Ralph Stanley Presents
“The Mackerel Schooner
Augusta E. Herrick”

Searsport, Maine — Thursday, August 31, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., Penobscot Marine Museum continues their 2017 speaker series with Ralph Stanley, historian and boatbuilder, presenting a talk on the mackerel schooner Augusta E. Herrick. The cost is $8 for general admission and $5 for Museum members. The talk will be held at Penobscot Marine Museum’s Visitors Center at 2 Church Street in Searsport, Maine.
The Swans Island schooner Augusta E. Herrick “had the distinction of being the only centerboard schooner ever to be employed in the North American fisheries” according to historian Howard Chappelle. The Swans Island fishermen, like owner William P. Herrick, led the Atlantic coast mackerel fisheries in catch rates. Ralph Stanly will talk about the vigorous and hardy men and schooners of Swan’s Island.
About Penobscot Marine Museum
Penobscot Marine Museum’s theme for the 2017 season is Gone Fishing! with its featured exhibit, The Net Result: Our Evolving Fisheries. These exhibits explore the world of Maine’s commercial fisheries through exhibits and programs that will entertain and educate children and adults alike. Gone Fishing! runs May 27 – October 15, 2017 at Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine. Contact: External Relations Director, skettell@pmm-maine.org, 207.548.2529 x 216. Visitors Center 207-548-0334.