Notice of Agency Emergency
Chapter 115 Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control Plan
This emergency rule incorporates the New Meadows River, north of Bath/State Rd in Brunswick and West Bath, into certain elements of the existing Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) control plan. The addition of the New Meadows River is intended to reduce the likelihood that American and European oysters (Crassostrea virginica and Ostrea edulis) and hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) harvested from the New Meadows River will cause Vp infections in consumers. Independent, biological sampling of hard clams (quahogs) in the New Meadows River has shown positive results for total Vp, so the organism is known to be present in the growing area. The Maine Department of Marine Resources recognizes that the New Meadows River has the environmental characteristics (primarily water and air temperature and salinity) that potentially pose a threat to public health with regard to Vp infections. As a result, DMR seeks to reduce the potential for Vp illnesses, by requiring industry members to shade product upon harvest and to adequately ice the product until delivery to a certified dealer. The Commissioner hereby adopts this emergency regulation as authorized by 12 M.R.S. §6171-A.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 9, 2017.
CONTACT INFO: Kohl Kanwit, Department of Marine Resources; Kohl.Kanwit@maine.gov; 207-633-9535.
Herring Management Plan
Atlantic herring may only be landed from Management Area 1A on days that have been designated landing days by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). During the Days Out Conference Meeting on July 26, 2017, the Atlantic Herring Section determined that landing days for all vessels issued a Federal Limited Access Atlantic Herring Category A Permit for Management Area 1A, Sub-ACL Trimester 2 (June 1 – September 30) shall be five consecutive days, beginning on 6:00 p.m. Sunday to 6:00 p.m. Friday and are limited to landing 680,000 lbs (17 trucks) weekly; and, may transfer to only one carrier vessel per week up to 120,000 lbs. All vessels issued a Federal Limited Access Atlantic Herring Permit Category C may fish and land Atlantic herring seven days a week and are restricted to the transfer of Atlantic herring to one carrier vessel only and no more than 120,000 lbs per week. All harvesters issued a State Commercial Pelagic and Anadromous License may fish and land Atlantic herring on seven days a week in territorial waters and are restricted to the transfer of Atlantic herring to one carrier vessel only and no more than 120,000 lbs per week. Harvester vessels may transfer catch to another harvester vessel while at-sea. All vessels landing herring caught in Management Area 1A in any Maine port are limited to one landing per 24 hour period (6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). The Commissioner hereby adopts this emergency regulation as authorized by 12 M.R.S. §6171(3)(C).
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 29, 2017.
CONTACT INFO: Melissa Smith, Department of Marine Resources; MelissaSmith@maine.gov; 207-624-6558.