Closure of Elephant Trunk
Flex Access Area

Press Release—NOAA Fisheries announces the closure of the Elephant Trunk Flex Access Area (see map below) to the LAGC IFQ fleet. The scallop regulations require that we close this area once we project that the LAGC IFQ fleet has fished all of the 697 trips allocated to them in this area. As of June 12, 2017, no scallop vessel fishing under LAGC IFQ regulations may fish for, possess, or land scallops in or from the Elephant Trunk Flex Access Area.
This closure is in effect through March 31, 2018.
If a vessel has complied with the observer notification requirements, has declared a trip into the Elephant Trunk Flex Scallop Access Area using the correct Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) code, and has crossed the VMS demarcation line before 0001 hr, June 12, 2017, the vessel may complete its trip and retain and land scallops caught from the Elephant Trunk Flex Scallop Access Area.
For more information, read the notice as filed in the Federal Register, and the permit holder bulletin.
See a map of the rotational access areas for the Atlantic sea scallop fishery.