“Eating with the Alewives” Dinner

Benton Dam, Benton, Maine on the Sebasticook River north of Waterville. Alewife fishermen hauling crates of alewives to be used as bait up to shore. The fish are caught with dip nets during the annual alewife run upstream to spawn in lakes and ponds. © Photo by Sam Murfitt
Ever want to eat an Alewife? Ever want to learn more about this amazing fish? Come to the Eating With The Alewives dinner on Friday, May 16th at the Benton Grange Hall for a truly unique experience.
The dinner will feature Alewives fresh from the Sebasticook River (smoked, chowder, and fried!!!). Cost for the dinner is $12. This includes: 1 Lobster, Alewives cooked various ways, 1 baked potato, 1 vegetable, and drinks. After the dinner, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions from experts who have a vast array of experiences with Alewives in Maine.
Featured speakers are: Nate Gray (Maine Department of Marine Resources), Jeff Pierce (Alewife Harvesters of Maine), Rick Lawrence (Benton Alewife Warden), Doug Watts (Author of Alewife).
The dinner will take place at the Benton Grange Hall (29 River Road, Benton) on Friday, May 16th. The dinner will go from 5-6:30 pm followed by the guest speakers. Cost for the dinner is $12. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased in advance at the Benton Town Office or by contacting Diane Hebert at 453-2292.
If you would like to enter your own Alewife Chowder for this dinner as part of the Benton Alewife Festival Chowder Contest, please contact Diane Hebert also.
The Benton Alewife Festival (BAF) will take place the following day on Saturday, May 17th. The BAF will feature a Mile Long Yard/Crafters Sale, Free Batting Cages and Mini-Golf at the Benton Family Fun Park, Free Tours of the Benton Dam Fish Lift, and much more. Check out the BAF on Facebook at: 2014 Benton Alewife Festival.