Proposed Rule for the
2020 Maine Elver Season
The Maine Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing on its proposed rule for the 2020 Maine elver season at 4:00 PM January 29, 2020 in room 118 of DMR Offices, Marquardt Building, Augusta, ME. Snow date is January 31, 2020 at 1:30 PM also in room 118 of DMR Offices, Marquardt Building, Augusta, ME.
Comment Deadline: February 10, 2020
This proposed rulemaking establishes the elver quota allocations for the 2020 season for individuals licensed under §§6505-A and 6302-A, and the method of calculating individual elver quota allocations for individuals licensed under §6505-A. 2020 allocations for individuals who held a license in 2019 will be the same as their 2019 allocations, plus any quota associated with licenses not renewed in 2019, or licenses suspended for the duration of the 2020 season, in excess of that which is allocated to new license holders, which will be distributed evenly to all existing license holders. Finally, the proposed rule establishes a $500 fee for the inspection of elver export events by Maine Marine Patrol. The public hearing date and comment deadline for the proposed elver quota system for the 2020 season is as follows:
Please note this public hearing date and comment deadline are different from a notice that was sent on January 1, 2020. Only the public hearing date and comment deadline have been revised. The proposed rule changes originally published on January 1, 2020 remain the same.