Lobster Advisory Council Meeting January 7, 2020
The next Lobster Advisory Council (LAC) Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 4:00 PM at the Department of Marine Resources, Marquardt Building, Room 118 located at 32 Blossom Lane in Augusta.
The primary purpose of the LAC meeting is to discuss Maine’s Whale Proposal and to vote on the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative (MLMC) Board Nominations.
This past summer the LAC members were asked to provide nominees for the MLMC Board Public Member and Dealer/Processor seats. If possible, please let me know of any other potential nominees before the meeting. We will do our best to get short bios from those individuals and provide that information prior to, or at the January LAC Meeting. The hope is that the LAC will be able to make recommendations at the January 7th Meeting.
See live link here.
Council Members please notify the office at 207-624-6596 by Friday, January 3, 2020 whether you will be available to attend the meeting.