Jarvis Newman

Jarvis Ward Newman died September 1, 2019 at Birch Bay Village in Bar Harbor.
He was born July 6, 1935, the son of Lawrence and Eleanor Jarvis Newman in New Haven, Connecticut. Newman graduated from Pemetic High School in Southwest Harbor in 1954. He lobster fished with his father and grandfather through junior high and high school. In 1956 he graduated from Wentworth Institute in Boston. He married Susan Bunker of Southwest Harbor in 1962.
Newman was employed by companies in Cinninatti, Ohio and Nashua, New Hampshire before returning to Southwest Harbor in1964. He was offered a job at the Henry Hinckley Company where he worked in their fiberglass department. He began building boats on his own and sold the first in 1966. He also built fiberglass Friendship sloops, launching the first in 1969. They became a popular boat and he went on to build many of them. In 1970, Jarvis Newman Boats was formed. The yard built rowboats, Friendship sloops, lobster boats, and Downeast pleasure boats.
In 1978 he sold the boat yard and in 1980 started Newman Marine Brokerage. Over the next 35 years he sold boats and worked on his own boats. He is survived by his wife Susan Bunker Newman, his daughters Kathe and Kim and four grandchildren.