Gov. Mills Signs New
Grey Zone Legislation


Last month Governor Janet Mills signed a bill by Representative Will Tuell (R-East Machias) that would allow night fishing in the Grey Zone – a 200 square mile area off the Bay of Fundy where both US and Canadian fishermen fish – under different rules.

“This is a big deal for our Down East fishermen,” Tuell said on Friday. “A huge win for those guys in Cutler and Bucks Harbor and even Jonesport that have had to deal with fishing in the Grey Zone for years. While there is a lot more work that needs to be done to make fishing fair in the Gray Zone, this is one of the few things that the State of Maine can do to protect its fishermen who are struggling to make a living on disputed seas.”

Tuell also thanked the fishermen of the Cutler area for not giving up on this bill.

“I have to specifically thank Brian Cates for pushing this,” he said. “Guys like him, John Drouin, Kristan Porter and others made their case last year, worked with the DMR to get to a good place with this, and asked me to bring it back again this year. I did, and am pleased that the Legislature and the administration could find a way forward.”

Tuell’s bill only applies to Gray Zone fishing this September and October, however, should things work out this year, the committee can extend it into the future with a second bill next session.

“it’s really important that every fisherman out there does their part to ensure that we can keep this in place going forward,” Tuell said. “It is also really important that every fisherman out there in the Grey Zone come to Augusta and testify next year when legislation comes forward to extend it, because people need to hear firsthand how it’s working for them.”