Healthy Acadia is Recruiting


Healthy Acadia in Washington County is partnering with Goodwill VISTA in order to recruit for a full-time year long VISTA position and for up to four Summer Associate positions in both Hancock and Washington counties.

The VISTA member will implement educational efforts, and improve organizational capacity through volunteer recruitment, public awareness campaign development, and extensive community partner collaborations. They will pursue innovative program development related to food delivery systems by reaching out to schools and colleges, as well as coordinating with local food banks and existing state, federal and local food access programs to increase awareness of these services to residents.

Summer Associates serve 8- to 10-week terms over the summer months for organizations to support increased food distribution in our community. This is an excellent program for a college student or graduate. Programs start as early as May 20th or as late as July 2nd. Associates receive a stipend of $2,052 for the 8-week program and $2,565 for the 10-week program and both receive an education award of $1,230 that can be used towards furthering education or receive a $250 cash payout upon successful completion of the term. Summer Associates must be at least 18 years old and must serve full-time hours. For more information and to apply for the the VISTA stipend or the Summer Associate position in Washington County, contact Regina at 255-3741 or by email at For the Hancock County Summer Associate positions, contact Katie Freedman at 667-7171 or by email at