Deadline Approaching on the
Union River
On February 9th the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued the public notice of a new license application for the Union River dams. This notice starts a 60 day clock that is the last chance for citizens, municipalities, state and federal agencies to file as intervenes, comment on, or protest the details of this license application. It becomes increasingly difficult for the public to participate after this comment period closes April 9th. The following point is critical if you live in Maine.
Please contact the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Paul Mercer (287-2812;; 17 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333) and encourage him to issue a water quality certificate that respects the Union River.
How to eComment with FERC: This last call for public comment closes April 9th. If we miss our chance to stand up for restored fisheries on the Union River it could be 40 years before we get another chance. Please consider signing the online petition on the Union River if you haven’t already.