Reidar’s Moves to New Location
in New Bedford
Reidars Trawl Gear and Marine Suupy has moved to it’s new building in New Bedford. The new custom designed 22,000 square foot building will enable the company to produce projects better and faster. They designed it for what they do, which is sweeps. The old Fairhaven shop was much smaller. The new shop gives them room to spread out and consolidate inventory.
They will be building trawler nets, scallop gear and the custom jobs they have done since opening in 1987. They will be doing new types of projects including whelk and conch pots based on the snow crab type of frames.
The same 12 member crew is with them in New Bedford. Their mixed welders in the steel department work on sweeps to door shoes to scallop gear. Reidar’s crane and wire trucks go to vessels, take out main wire and bring it back to the shop for service.
The new location is on 3 1/2 acres so they are able to have customers work on their boats there with guidance from the Reidar’s crew.
They do main wire to cod ends. Thor says “We’re a one stop shop for fishing”.
The new building in the north end of New Bedford is just off Route 140 at exit at 9 Tarkiln Place, New Bedford, MA. All their contact information is the same.