Capt. Mark East’s Advice to the Careworn, Confused, Lovelorn and Other Outdoor People


Dear Captain Mark,
We’ve lived in Key Largo for the past twenty years. My husband and I really enjoy sportfishing in our old 21’ Aquasport with an 85hp. Motor. It still runs well, but we’re now in our 80’s and I think we should think about at least getting a new motor if not a new rig. I get kind of nervous when we’re in the Gulf Stream about something happening. My husband says if it’s gone this long it will outlast us. Besides he doesn’t want to learn the quirks of a new outboard at his age.
Motor Nervous

Dear Motor Nervous,
I can appreciate your concern about age and your husband’s about breaking in a new motor. I’ll bet he can tell if anything is amiss with the present motor just by listening to it and the new ones are certainly more complicated. Personally, I’d have your dealer do a complete overhaul or checkup, buy a really good backup VHF radio and a seperate battery hooked to it. I’m still running a 1957 five and a half horsepower Johnson for lake fishing that has uncountable hours, starts first pull and trolls at the slowest speed possible. Keep fishing, it’s balm for the soul.



Dear Capt.,
I just found your e-mail address and am texting this request. I’m 10 years old and want a .22 rifle so I can hunt rabbits around our farm. I have a BB gun now but it’s not powerful enough. My mother says I’m not old enough. Please help me!
Rabbit Chaser

Dear Perplexed,
All youngsters who live in the country should have a .22 as soon as they come of age. However, I don’t know the age restrictions in your state. If I were you, and to address the concerns of your parents, take a Hunter Safety Course as soon as you can. Set up a shooting range and shoot there to prove to your folks you can safely handle a gun. Wish I was your age again. Good Hunting!!!

Capt. Mark can be reached at