Wind Power Film Highlights Another Kind of Green

Electric power from the wind seems like an alternative energy no-brainer. The wind is clean, free, it’s energy has been harnessed the past, etc. But after dusting off some of the too good to be true glitter of electricity from wind power, a film maker has zoomed in on another kind of green in the industry building this new infrastructure.
The film was produced by a film maker who happened to live in a rural area where a group of windmills were installed. She decided to document the response of people who got more than they bargained for.
Criticism from neighbors of these electric generating facilities is by now well known. But the film takes a broader view by looking at the development of industrial wind power. It raises questions about the efficacy, ethics, and sustainability of the means used to get installations inplace.
The film will be shown at the Strand Theater in Rockland, Me on Saturday, March 3rd at 2pm and Sunday, March 4th at 3pm. Other showings around Maine can be located at: