Arvid Young
The Young Bros. last boat the Kathryn Rose heading out of Marblehead, MA. In 2011.
On a somber note, we lost Arvid Young, of Young Brothers Fiberglass Boats, Corea, September 13. He was 71, born May 25, 1940 to Clifford and Sarah (Faulkingham) Young, blessed with twins on that day. (Arvin left us July 30, 2008)
His uncle, Otto Backman of Winter Harbor was a notable wooden boat builder. Arvid’s first boat was a wooden Herman Backman 33. In 1973 he tried out a fiberglass Webber Cove, which handled differently downeast hulls he was used to. After that, he, Arvin, and older brother, Colby took a mold off a Beals skeg type lobster boat, which no other fiberglass builders had produced, and pulled their first hull. The day they launched this first boat, 6 boats were sold. The rest is legend as Young Bros. took the very new fiberglas lobster boat and ran with it.
The talented Ernest Libby, Jr., of Beals, brother-in-law to Calvin Beal, Jr., designed their 30-45 foot hulls, desirable for their stability, speed, and durability. The combination of consultations with engine guys, and their notorious relationship with master engine builder Richard Weaver, along with the Bros. demands for winning boats like Sopwith Camel, and Camel II (64 mph) helped catapult Young Bros. boats into an international market. Young Brothers built over 550 boats at their Corea yard.
The last boat out of the Young Bros. shop in Corea was the Kathryn Rose, which Capt. Doug Percy fishes out of Marblehead, MA.