Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team Meeting to Discuss Vertical Line Entanglement
Northeast Subgroup Members will meet from November 30 to December 3. The meeting begins at 1:00 pm on Tuesday and ends at 1:00 pm on Friday. The meeting will be held at The Hotel Providence, 139 Mathewson Street Providence, RI 02903. For direction phone: 1-800-861-8990 or visit www.
The main topic of discussion will be a strategy for further reducing entanglement risk due to vertical lines. A provisional draft agenda will be provided in the upcoming weeks.
For more information on the ALWTRT, please visit our website:
Kate Swail
Large Whale Take Reduction Team Coordinator
NOAA/NMFS/NERO Protected Resources Division
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Office: (978) 282-8481
Fax: (978) 281-9394