2011 Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium
All Photos by Kayla Crowe
Hitoshi Tanaka, Japan. Tanaka’s sculptures ring the globe. Over several decades his work has been installed in Scandinavia, Europe, Abu Dabai, China, Japan and the U.S. This one will be in Blue Hill, Maine.
Jim Boyd, New Brunswick, Canada working Jonesboro pink granite. His work will be installed in Eastport, Maine.
Granite Eagle carved by two master carvers with hand tools over more than a year’s time in the early 1870’s at Dix Island quarry south of Rockland, Maine. The two and one-half ton bird was installed atop the New York post office. Photo Maine Historic Preservation Commission
Jorg Plickat, Hamburg, Germany, sitting at the rear of his work which will be installed in Sorrento near the town hall.
Kazumi Hoshino, Steuben, Maine, working Jonesboro red granite. Her sculpture will be installed at Roques Bluff.
Lise Becu, Tenants Harbor, Maine finishing granite from the Black Diamond Mine quarry. Her sculpture will be installed in Addison.
See Granite Sculpting Program at Schoodic In Third Year to read more about the symposium.