F R O M T H E C R O W E ’ S N E S T
What Would Sam Adams Do?

The congressional field hearing in Boston on June 20. 2011, was historic for at least two reasons. First it was held at Faneuil Hall, a marketplace and meeting hall since 1742. It is the hall where John Adams, John Otis and others encouraged independence from Great Britain. Second, it was the first time serious official questions were asked about the 15-year history of violations of the rights of fishermen by NOAA enforcement.
Anyone who was a witness to these years knows that fishermen complained of these violations of their rights, but no one outside the fishing community listened. Fishing businesses, homes, families, traditions and men were broken by the criminal actions of what one victim at the hearing testified was a rogue agency run amok.
A victim testified that it was deeply disturbing that this was happening in the country he so loved. Indeed, it is more than disturbing that agents with the authority of the federal government behind them, and guns in their hands, terrorized legitimate businessmen for personal gain. For money! For money to fill the slush fund coffers that sent them on trips abroad. That provided 1.16 new vehicles for each enforcement employee. Provided the money that paid for a $300,000 yacht for them to enjoy. The money that guaranteed their job security. Money that gave them credit cards with which to squander the life savings of their victims. Extortion money.
It is a reign of terror not known to the average person buying a cod fillet. It is, however, well documented. During the 2009 investigation the director of this enforcement agency shredded 80 percent of the documents in his office! No, that Mr. Jones is not in jail. He has been moved over to a new job at NOAA.
The NOAA response to the charges has been, “We didn’t know.” They didn’t know about $93 million at any given time, didn’t see 200 new vehicles, the $300,000 yacht?
The guy who bought the cod fillet wants to know why they would do this. First, their superiors knew the terrorizing effect of storm troopers. Second, it served the underlying goals of NOAA—get smaller boats off the water and hand over the 400-year access to the multi-billion fishing commons to corporations who are demanding and lobbying for it in congress.
What would Sam Adams do? Demand independence from the same corporate oppression that enslaved.