Preliminary Maine Northern Shrimp Landings from Dealer Reports
for the 2011 Season

Graph of cumulative landings to date compared with last season.
Data are from Maine dealer reports received to date, and have not been reviewed or audited in any way, and must be considered very preliminary and incomplete. Note that some dealers only report monthly, others weekly. We plan to update this page once a week, on Thursdays or Fridays. Please contact Maggie Hunter with any questions.
Preliminary 2011 Season (December 2010 - April 2011) Maine Shrimp Landings as of January 12, 2011
December 1,068,291
January 343,271
Maine Total to date 1,411,562
Reported total New Hampshire landings as of January 10 were 200,000 lbs.
Reported total Massachusetts landings as of January 11 were 66,286 lbs.
The ASMFC Northern Shrimp Section, which manages shrimp in the Gulf of Maine (Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) will meet, probably the week of February 28, to try to determine whether 2011 season landings for the Gulf of Maine will be over or under the technical committee’s recommended cap of 4,000 mt (8,818,500 lbs), and may adjust the season (now scheduled to end April 15, 2011) accordingly.
The graph below illustrates how this season (2011, red) compares with last season (2010, blue), and how the dealer reports (blue solid line) lagged actual fishing activity (blue dotted line) in 2010. Note that these data are for Maine only. In recent years, Maine has landed about 90 percent of the Gulf of Maine catch.