Maritime Festival Seeking Presenters at November Rockland Event


Folksinger Gordon Bok hosts an annual event called Working on the Water.  It’s a gathering of fisherman (and women) and other mariners who come together for an afternoon of sharing personal experiences through song, poetry, and stories.  Six ‘presenters’ claim the stage for fifteen to twenty minutes each and entertain a paying audience. Fishermen, schooner captains and crew, and members of the Marine Patrol and Coast Guard shared their talents. 

The event is always open for new folks to come present their experiences.The only criteria are that they must be making (or have made) their living working on the water in some capacity, and all the material must be original. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday November 16 at 1:00 pm at Rockland’s Sail, Power, and Steam Museum. There is an admission of $5 per adult, with kids under 12 free and free admission for one guest per presenter. 

Anyone interested in being a presenter or just interested in coming to the event. Contact Kathy Pease 207-236-2707

A list of those who have been on stage in the past is at Gordon’s website:

The event is patterned after the highly successful Fisherpoets Gathering in Astoria, OR. That event is in its fifteenth year and has expanded from six presenters at one venue on one night to over eighty presenters at five different venues over the course of a three-day weekend.  Working On The Water has attracted larger audiences every year and has spawned a similar event in Portland called Voices of the Sea, which is sponsored by the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath.

Contact: Kathy Pease, Manager/Agent Gordon Bok, PO Box 840, Camden ME 04843 - 207-236-2707.